1 – Interesting article in the Financial Times this morning* about how big companies (and I mean Shell, Procter & Gamble – that kind of big) are taking web 2.0 tools seriously. Worth a few minutes of your time, definitely.
2 – I put a message out on Twitter a few days ago for some thoughts on personal branding on the web, as I’m writing an article on the subject for Enterprise Magazine. One of the things that came back was this video from my good friend Carl. I’d never heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, but he’s the CEO of the very successful WineLibrary. Now I’m not sure if he’s terrifying, brilliant, inspired, hilarious or straight-up bonkers. But I do know that he comes up with some great, simple truths that we should all be aware of. Highly recommended viewing, for a number of reasons.
* I don’t actually buy or read the Financial Times. I just get an email update from them once a day. I don’t want you thinking I’m a stock-market analyst, or something….
Hi Neil
Saw your comment re. article on Personal branding. I wrote a short piece some time ago – have a look at http://pmiddlebrook.typepad.co.uk/duo/2008/07/whats-your-prof.html
Hope this is useful – happy to chat.
Hi Neil
Saw your comment re. article on Personal branding. I wrote a short piece some time ago – have a look at http://pmiddlebrook.typepad.co.uk/duo/2008/07/whats-your-prof.html
Hope this is useful – happy to chat.
Thanks Paul. That’s really handy. Might be in touch in a week or two when I start writing it up! š
Thanks Paul. That’s really handy. Might be in touch in a week or two when I start writing it up! š
great stuff neil
– in LA, sunny, 26′, going to the beach (really sitting in a dark room).
As it happens, I went to the beach at 11pm last night. In 2 foot of snow!
Prefer the sound of your weather though….!
a little teaser for you featuring the Gary Vaynerchuck from the US of A . he is like an over excited business guru who likes to shout and scream, i like him , so i took his wise werds and they now helped me form the song that is ‘DO WHAT YOU LOVe’…
it is a outrage against people who do shit they hate, and it hurts.
i played it a lot, now i hate it… but it has been picked up by many radio stations already and i only finished it last night.! the power of social netwerking meh! i hope you like this…
it is a big headache unless you take really strong drugs.
Bi from sweden!
here you go: