
Image by Richard Szwejkowski – https://www.flickr.com/photos/68112440@N07/

Anyone who’s spent any time in Cardiff Bay over the last decade or so will be well aware of the ongoing saga of the Coal Exchange. My history in the city is inextricably entangled with it, from working in there, playing in there, and trying to avoid parking wardens around there. Recently the owners of the building have gone into administration, leaving its beautiful, slumping, scaffolding-clad features to rot even further. However, MP Stephen Doughty has expressed an interest in putting together a group of people to consider ways in which it can be saved.

In light of this, after volunteering my services to Stephen, I canvassed my friends on Twitter and Facebook to see what they would do with the building if there were no financial constraints.

You can read their brilliant, insightful, and often funny, responses here. Do any of these sound like something you’d be interested in?