What I Do
I’ve mentored hundreds of startups across Europe and America. In 2020 alone I mentored over 100 startups for free during the lockdowns.
Whether you’re starting a brand new business, or launching a new product or service, my aim with mentoring is two-fold:
What You’ll Get
What My Mentees Are Saying
Real feedback from recent mentees

A message from a recent mentee…

Feedback from recent mentee, Holden.

Feedback from CEO of new startup, Peter.
Schedule Your Appointment Now!
Starting a new brand or business wouldn’t be easy. You will need someone who can mentor you about how to start a business and manage it right. You will need someone who can advise you on how to brand your business and market it successfully.
I am here to help you in starting your own business, managing it and making it grow.
Schedule your appointment now and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
“Neil, I must admit it’s a new thing for me to meet someone who has the capability to go so deep into things from the first meeting.”
“I honestly found the call inspiring and super helpful, both because you had a lot of knowledge to share, but also the time you spent in researching together with me. You are a superstar!”
“Wow! I’m totally blown away by your insights and sincere willingness to share information and advice… I really wasn’t expecting to come away with so much insight – especially as I’m at such an early stage. ”
“An outstanding session with some very worthwhile advice and pointers. Completely changed my perspective on a couple of points”
“Thank you again for your time this morning and for really offering sound and “real” help to get us moving forward. The session was really informative and I found it really empowering”