We over-support Startups in Wales
Originally a Twitter thread in 2022 I think we might actually over-support tech startups in Wales to a problematic degree. We often keep them alive too long with irrelevant support [...]
Support the Founder, not the idea
Dall-e created image based on this article. Not sure it makes sense... 😀 I want to INCREASE the failure rate of startups Successful ecosystems don’t artificially prop up [...]
Secular retreat (redux!)
A few years ago, in February 2020, I planned a retreat for the summer of that year. A bunch of people paid deposits to come along, and we were [...]
Startups regularly fail because they’re not focused enough. Here’s one way of avoiding that…
Useful startup validation technique incoming...! Since the number one reason startups fail is "no market need", lots of the work I do with them is around validation, and making sure [...]
How to run an award winning startup accelerator programme
After selling a business earlier this year, I was asked to run the Fintech Wales startup accelerator programme. I had a fantastic experience as programme director for two cohorts. [...]
An award winning accelerator programme
Last week I attended the Fintech Awards Wales awards, along with my clients, Fintech Wales (not related to the awards). We won the Best Accelerator award. Credit: Hwyl Ventures For [...]
Wine Time Fridays
I'm doing this from my phone, so excuse any typos. i registered winetimefridays.co.uk as a response to the Boris Johnson's staff's behaviour during the lockdowns, when thousands of people were [...]
The future of tech startups in cardiff
A few years ago (Jun 2019), I tweeted the following thread, having returned to the UK after a couple of years away. I've made some slight edits just to make [...]
How I streamline and “automate” giving one free mentoring session every day.
I've always believed in the power of mentoring, and although there is a limited amount of insight and expertise that can be transferred in a short period of time (my [...]